Team Leaders
Each SERESC area of expertise is led by a highly qualified Team Leader who has deep experience in the Team’s area of practice.

Nate Jones, Ph.D., NCSP, BCBA
School Psychology and METE Team Leader
Dr. Nate Jones leads the School Based Psychology team and the METE team at SERESC. As a school psychologist, licensed psychologist, and BCBA, he provides a range of student evaluation and consultation services for students with complex educational, mental health, and medical needs in NH. He has provided numerous trainings at the local, state, and national levels and led the workgroups at SERESC and at the NH Association of School Psychologists (NHASP) that developed COVID-19 related guidelines for school-based psychoeducational evaluations. Nate also serves on the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Ethics and Professional Practice Board (EPPB). He is a current Board Member with the National Alliance on Mental Illness – New Hampshire (NAMI-NH) and serves as the NAMI-NH Public Policy Committee Chair. He is a past-president of the NH Association of School Psychologists, past NH national Delegate to NASP, and was the 2018 National School Psychologist of the Year.

Clélia Sigaud, PsyD, BCBA-D
Applied Behavior Analysis Team Leader
Clélia Sigaud, Psy.D, BCBA-D is a Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst-Doctoral and a certified School Psychologist. Her background is in special education, with a focus on individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities who engage in severe problem behavior. Clelia holds a Master’s degree in Special Education, a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology, and a Psy.D. in School Psychology. She completed her postdoctoral fellowship at the Neurobehavioral Unit at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Maryland and at SERESC.

Kathy Skoglund, M. Ed.
Vision and Hearing Team Leader
Kathy Skoglund leads the Hearing and Vision Services Team for SERESC. Kathy’s experience includes 30 years as a public school special education administrator, many years as a SERESC educational consultant, and membership on several nonprofit boards, including the New Hampshire Association of Special Education Administrators (NHASEA) and the New Hampshire School Administrators Association (NHSAA). Kathy has also instructed undergraduate students in the special education process as an adjunct professor at Southern New Hampshire University.

Kathy McKechnie, M.S., CCC-SLP
Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapy Team Leader
Kathy McKechnie MS CCC-SLP leads the Therapy Team for SERESC. Kathy has over 40 years of experience in public school special education as a clinician, preschool special education administrator, and director of special services. She has led teams in the design and implementation of system wide programs for behavior intervention, social-emotional development, social pragmatic language disorders, written language development, and autism. Kathy has been a member of many local and state leadership teams. She is currently a member of the College of Health and Human Services Connections and Counsel Board at the University of New Hampshire. Kathy is NH licensed and ASHA certified.

Stacy Orr, M.Ed., SLD
Special Education & Literacy Support Team Leader
Stacy Orr, M.Ed., SLD, is a veteran New Hampshire teacher, special educator and diagnostician. She joined the SERESC team in 2020 after spending twenty years providing comprehensive services and evaluations to youth of all ages, ranging from preschool through post-secondary transition. Stacy is a strong advocate for students of all abilities and believes in a holistic collaborative approach. Stacy holds undergraduate degrees in Education and Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Education with specialization in Curriculum and Instruction, and an endorsement in Specific Learning Disabilities. Along with her advanced degrees, Stacy holds qualifications as a comprehensive leadership specialist.

Samantha Broadhead, Ph.D., NCSP
Systems Level Team Co-Leader
Samantha Broadhead, Ph.D., NCSP joined SERESC in 2018 as an SEL consultant and school psychologist. She has a Ph.D. in Counseling and School Psychology and has utilized her expertise in both public school and residential settings. Sam’s system-based consultations maintain a foundation of SEL through a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) structure. Sam represents SERESC on the MTSS-B Advisory Committee for the NH MTSS-B Technical Assistance Center. Sam is an accomplished presenter, coach, and trainer. Sam is the 2024 NH School Psychologist of the Year, and the 2024-2025 President of the NH Association of School Psychologists.

Eric Mann, M.S.W.
Systems Level Team Co-Leader
Eric Mann, M.S.W. has been a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) consultant for 20 years, with additional prior experience as an educator, psychotherapist, and special education administrator. His areas of expertise include SEL school-wide integration, Tier 2 systems guidance, and EBD and other types of special ed program development. Eric is also a skilled coach, presenter, and trainer, and a designated Master Trainer in Life Space Crisis Intervention (LSCI).
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