Vision and Hearing

The Hearing and Vision Team at SERESC serves students with sensory disabilities from ages 3-22.

Service Overview

Our teachers support their students’ special education programs through participation in IEP or 504 meetings, effective consultation with school staff and/or outside agencies, training of school staff, tracking of student progress data, and assistance with student transitions from program to program or grade to grade. 

Specific areas of expertise include use of Expanded Core Curriculum, Braille instruction, evaluation for cortical vision impairment and support in using communication devices and assistive technology.

Vision and Hearing Services

Vision Services

Services provided by Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVIs) and by Orientation and Mobility Specialists include Orientation and Mobility instruction, Braille instruction, curriculum modification for students with intensive educational needs, Functional Vision Assessments, Expanded Core Curriculum, support for Cerebral Visual Impairment, and application of augmentative communication devices.

Hearing Services

Services provided by Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TODs) include planning, coordinating, and implementing programs in support of children identified as deaf or hard of hearing. The programs include direct instruction, evaluations, supervision of specially trained aides, student and teacher observation, provision of adaptive classroom instruction, and oversight of auditory equipment.

“Jennifer Nagle, Teacher of the Visually Impaired, has a wealth of knowledge. She is extremely approachable and works amazingly well with both staff and students. She is very conscious and thorough, and is always seeking feedback and collaboration. She is an asset to our team, school, and district.”

Sara Brown, Teacher 

Alvirne High School, Hudson

Meet the Team

Team Leader:

Kathy Skoglund, M.Ed.

Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments:

  • Kristin Herrick, M.Ed.
  • Claudia Libis, M.Ed.
  • Jennifer Nangle, M.Ed., CAES
  • Amy O’Brien, MS, Ed., CVI
  • Peggy Scholl, B.S.

Orientation and Mobility Specialists:

  • Claudia Libis, M.Ed., COMS
  • Jennifer Nangle, M.Ed., CAES

Teachers of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing:

  • Christina Chadwick, M.E.D.
  • Linda Taylor, Ed.D.​

Team Leader:

Kathy Skoglund, M.Ed.

Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments:

  • Kristin Herrick, M.Ed.
  • Claudia Libis, M.Ed.
  • Jennifer Nangle, M.Ed., CAES
  • Amy O’Brien, MS, Ed., CVI
  • Peggy Scholl, B.S. 

Orientation and Mobility Specialists:

  • Claudia Libis, M.Ed., COMS
  • Jennifer Nangle, M.Ed., CAES

Teachers of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing:

  • Christina Chadwick, M.Ed.
  • Linda Taylor, Ed.D.​

Contact us to learn about our services and providers.

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